I have a confession to make... this past Sunday, we did not go to church. *pause for dramatic effect*. What kind of missionary doesn't attend church at least every Sunday? Right? We had totally planned on going this Sunday. But after this week, on Saturday, my husband looked at me and said, "you know, I would really just like to stay home with just our family." So we did. We played hookie (well, we did let the pastor know not to expect us). And it was lovely!
Matt built saw horses and then built a toy kitchen/oven station for the kids to play with. Whenever he's out working, Aleah and Blake are not far behind. But this project was especially exciting to them, as they watched their "toy" take shape. (Side note: in the picture below, Aleah is actually holding a piece of paper with the “plans” for the kitchen station roughly etched out.)

I rummaged through the old sewing room on site here at the Village. I've been meaning to go through it, but never have enough time. But that day, I rummaged to my little crafters heart content. And I found all kinds of treasures. For lunch I took the time to make hamburgers and fresh French fries.
In the evening, we actually had the energy to join the kids downstairs in playing jump rope and chasing them about. It was a beautiful day. Aleah and Blake were the filthiest they have been in a long time, but it was worth it.
If there is one thing that we are forever learning, it is how to take care of ourselves and what that looks like. For everyone it is different... and then at times it even differs for every individual. For Matt, he needed to build something that would bring his kids joy. For me, I needed the freedom to go "crafting".
I can tell you that today, Monday, we all have a refreshing that was lacking at the end of last week.
How do you rest?