Our Passion...
is to first love God with all that we have. Through that love, God has called us to go overseas and serve Him, by serving others. In December 2019 we were sent by Foursquare Missions International (FMI) to the nation of Haiti. We strategically partnered with Foursquare Haiti to assist the pastors and established church congregations reach their communities and nation for Jesus.
Transition from Haiti to the Dominican Republic
After serving for 2 years in Haiti in the midst of a growing political tension and horrific gang violence, we evacuated our home as our neighborhood became increasingly unsafe to live as family in.
As we began seeking God on where to deploy next, we were continually drawn to Haiti’s neighbor, the Dominican Republic. There are an estimated 1 million Haitians living in the Dominican Republic. Two of the Foursquare churches there are actually Haitian. We “re-deployed” to the Dominican Republic in January 2023.
Our Ministry Model
The heart of our ministry is to see people loved, healed, equipped, and sent. We believe in the Gospel's transforming power and seek to make disciples through relationships. We are partnered with the Dominican Foursquare Church movement and operate through small group settings to educate and empower others to build disciples in their daily lives. We help host and facilitate teams that focus solely on partnering with the local church for growth, discipleship, and multiplication.
We are passionate about small group ministries and work to offer opportunities for men and women to create connections through dialogue and supporting each other in the areas of discipleship, marriage, raising children, and vocational and life skills. We use all small group opportunities to seek out and call up leaders.
The hosting and facilitating of teams is a fantastic opportunity for cross-cultural ministry. We partner with foreign churches wanting to send teams to serve the churches on the island of Hispaniola. Groups serve alongside the local churches to assist them in making disciples through acts of service that grow existing and create opportunities for new churches. We want to raise local teams within their country and serve other nations.
God has given us a dream to have a life transformational program that will begin with a Church Plant and then as an outreach from the church we will have discipleship classes, a tutoring program, and trade school. We desire opportunities for youth and young adults to be discipled with a solid Biblical foundation, receive an education in a trade or skill, and self-empowerment for their families wherever they may take root. We are taking steps to continue that vision and see how that integrates as our ministry grows and evolves.
We hope that you join us in this journey and become a part of our support team!
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