The Church Grows!
The first part of September, we were able to facilitate a medical outreach in Les Cayes where a devastating earthquake of 7.2 magnitude rumbled on August 14th. Five team members from Foursquare Disaster Relief (FDR) made the journey to Haiti and partnered with a Haitian team that consisted of over 30 individuals. This team included doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lab techs, pastors, church members, and community volunteers.
The medical clinic saw almost 1,800 people over a span of 8 days. In the registration tent the pastors and church members overflowed with God’s love for their community with worship, prayer, testimonies, and fellowship. This resulted in 195 people making a commitment to follow Jesus! One Pastor has reported that in an area where most people walk to their local church, he has had people riding a “tap tap” (pickup taxi) for 30 minutes each way just to get to the church on Sunday.
One of the standouts from the medical clinic was a man named Brutus. Brutus showed up as the team began setting up the medical clinic in Les Cayes. He stated that as the gang leader in the area, we would need to pay him for “security”. Our Pastor had a lengthy discussion with him and explained that we were all volunteers and that nobody was being paid. That day, Brutus came back and volunteered as daily security for the clinic. AND THEN he volunteered to help us for another week at other locations AND even attended church with us on Sunday. Please lift Brutus up in prayer with us. Pastor David will continue to love on him and is eager for Brutus to accept the Lord.

Pray for those who made commitments at the clinic to follow Jesus, and pray for the seeds that were planted in many others.
Awesome work ! I love your hearts Matt and Anna!