As we drove away from ministering at a church in Colorado on Sunday, April 24th, we began to receive reports that a battle had broken out in Port-Au-Prince very close to our home in Haiti. The evil, vicious “400 Mawazo Gang” from the northwest-side was on the move and determined to conquer and gain control of our northern town, Bon Repos. And they were stopping at nothing. The “Wicked Dogs Gang” has had control of Bon Repos and they fought hard to protect their/our community. After a few days of fighting, the Haitian Police joined forces with them to try and hold back the 400 Mawazo Gang.
For 10 days, nothing short of war raged in our communities. 9,000 Haitians fled their homes with their children and those that stayed locked themselves in their homes as best as they could. The evil that oozed from the 400 Mawazo Gang was horrendous and nothing short of demonic, leaving a trail of destruction through every stretch that they conquered. On Tuesday, May 3rd, they had gained ground and were a little over 1 mile from our home in Haiti. We spoke with our staff at Ruuska Village, and although a lot of the neighbors had fled, they wanted to stay put one more day. The next morning fighting continued, but the shots began moving away towards the south. By that evening, after 10 days of constant fighting, and INTENSE PRAYING, there were no gunshots to be heard.
The 400 Mawazo Gang has returned to its “territory” and continues to wreck havoc in their area. Pray for a mighty act of God among them.
Will you pray with our family as we continue to seek God and His will for our lives as we serve HIM
Furlough Travel Plans May-June 2022
We are beginning to travel throughout the United States visiting, family, friends, churches, and those on our ministry support team. Here are a few states that we will be in over the next couple of months: Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Tennessee, Florida.