Medical Missions – Reaching People for Jesus!

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We had the honor of hosting and facilitating a medical and dental team from Foursquare Disaster Relief.   The FDR team, together with our local church/Christian school, saw over 700 people. Dehydration and various infections were common.  One case that stands out, was a 12 year old boy with rotting flesh on 1/4 of his leg.  It was reportedly from a voodoo curse. The medical team washed and cleaned the area thoroughly, and gave him some injections and antibiotics.  Then together, with the Haitian pastors, we all prayed for the curse to be broken.  Every patient at the clinic was loved on, received some medicine for ailments and powerful prayer. The FDR team and volunteers were truly a light on the hill and shone brightly into the lives of all that we saw.

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One of the joys of being a family in missions together is when your children are able to be hands on in the ministry.  During the clinic, Aleah got to pray for people and Blake always brought a smile to everyone he encountered.    

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GOAT PROGRAM UPDATE: We’re so grateful that God’s vision is always larger than ours.  We had desired to raise funds to purchase 44 goats, enough for each of our Foursquare churches to receive 2 goats. As people began to give, we quickly reached our goal and our vision began to expand. Our final tally is over 160 goats! We are very excited for the opportunity to bless our churches, our neighbors and our employees churches as we roll out the great goat give of 2021!  

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