A Month Full of Joy
May was a fantastic month! Operation “Bless Haitian Moms” was a success, we celebrated Haitian Flag Day, and finished up our English lessons with the Foursquare Christian School. Matt and Anna celebrated 5 years of marriage and Aleah’s adoption days!

A ripple that makes a wave… Haitian Mother’s Day is celebrated the last Sunday in May. Some amazing friends hosted a jewelry event that gifted us with over 150 pieces of jewelry to bless Haitian Moms. We were able to bless mothers at our church, our home (Ruuska Village), our neighbors, and also provided jewelry gifts for the Foursquare Christian School’s Mothers appreciation program. A huge thanks to everyone who worked to put this on and for all those who participated in this amazing opportunity!

May 18th is the day that the Haitian Flag was created. It is a day of festivities where families get together and have a party. Many of those in the city return to the country to see their family. We celebrated it here at Ruuska Village by hanging a new flag and having a swimming party with our neighbors!

Almost 10 years ago, Anna got a call from a case worker that a 2 day old baby needed a foster home. Anna rushed to the hospital and brought home one of the most precious gifts God has given our family, ALEAH RHEMA BRYAN. May 31, 2013 Anna was able to officially adopt Aleah and Matt’s adoption was completed on May 7, 2019. Aleah amazes us every day with her simple love for Jesus, embracing of her calling in Haiti and her joy in life.