“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires
of your heart will also be” Matthew 6:2
Tithing for Future Multiplication: Beginning January 2025, we have the opportunity to not only be on the field as missionary workers but also to give 10% of our treasure to help further spread and strengthen the GOSPEL through Foursquare Missions International (FMI) as they continue to care for us and also grow and equip and equip new workers to launch into the field and care for existing workers, such as ourselves. We ask you to help us in this new opportunity by financially partnering with us monthly or increasing your monthly gifts. Even $20 a month makes a huge difference. We would love to chat with you if you have any questions about your partnership with us.
To partner with us or increase your monthly partnership gift,
simple go to:
FMI currently has national works in over 150 countries, with over 300 missionary workers reaching across the aisles and building His church.

This past month, we hosted over 90 guests in the Dominican Republic for our regions Annual Worker Gathering. People arrived from all over the Americas Region. It was a time to come together and worship Jesus and be ministered to, prayed over, and reconnect with other missionary friends we had not seen in some time. The Annual Worker Gathering is just one of the ways that FMI has poured into our ministry and family over the past few years. A massive shout-out to Pastors Mike and Molly Cooke with their team from Columbia River Foursquare. They hosted the sessions and facilitated a kids program for all the missionary kiddos.