The requests/needs (updated October 2024)

  • Pray for fruitful outreaches and relationships among the churches here in the Dominican Republic as they reach out to their communities.
  • Continue to pray for the nation of Haiti as it struggles under the oppression of the gang violence.
  • Pray for our family as we continue to pursue language acquisition and build Kingdom relationships with those around us.
  • Church Plant: Pray with us as we step into this new season and seek what community to plant a church in.

Continue to pray for our Family ...

  • Pray that God will direct our steps as we seek Him.
  • Pray a spiritual covering over our family.
  • Divine Appointments and Relationships be built.
  • Favor with the Haitian and Dominican Republic Pastors and Kingdom relationships be built.
  • Discernment of satanic powers and operations.  Wisdom and knowledge of how to deal with them.
  • Pray how the Spirit leads you for our family.

Continue to pray for the Dominican Republic and Haiti...

  • Protection for the innocent in Haiti from the gangs, kidnapping, rape, and violence.
  • Most of all… pray for God to move in a MIGHTY, UNDENIABLE WAY in both countries.
  • Relationship between the two neighboring nations. Pray for a spirit of Forgiveness to flood the countries.  That the churches and Christians continue to be the CHURCH and active hands of Jesus, that they walk in unconditional love with each other.