What a week we had... I'm not going to go into detail or even try to explain the battle that last week was. Because, it's done. I do want to share some of the love, peace, and highlights that we had.

Schools in Haiti are closed due to the Corona Virus. The Haitian government has requested that people stay home unless they need to go out. The Haitian culture in general is such a community/social oriented one. We have had two meetings with our staff, really encouraging them to heed the direction of the government. That being said, we have 18 children home 24/7 due to them not being able to go to school. And it can be a lot. To give the "mama's" a break, I've set up art/craft classes throughout the week. We have two groups and it's been a blast. How awesome it is to be able to do ministry without every leaving our "home".

I can't believe that I get to do life here. Saturday evening, this dove (ok, so I found out it's probably more like a white pigeon), landed above the entry way to our home. And there was peace. We all felt God's presence and it was just the sign that Matt and I need. It wasn't like a subtle sign, it was an in your face, I AM HERE, sign from God. I love it.

I spent Sunday morning worshiping, praying, and being with my kids. Matt had installed a "new" slide on the playground. There is something so familiar and comforting about pushing Blake in a swing... God is good, life is good.